Erkunde die offene Welt und fahre mit deinem Lieblingstruck ganz gemütlich durch das Land oder gehe auf eine Schnitzeljagd und finde alle Geheimnisse, die im Gebiet versteckt sind.
Complete Driving School
Complete your first Section outside of Driving School
Complete your first Event outside of Driving School
Complete your first Championship
Buy all 12 trucks
Buy a two-axle truck
Buy a three-axle truck
Buy a four-axle truck
Fully upgrade a truck
Buy a truck upgrade
Fully reinforce a truck
Buy a truck reinforcement
Complete all Events in the same truck
End a section by crashing your truck
Finish a section with the highest possible score
Win a platinum Event trophy with a two-axle truck
Win a platinum Event trophy with a three-axle truck
Win a platinum Event trophy with a four-axle truck
Win a platinum Championship trophy