Virtuelle Umgestaltungen waren noch nie so real! Dank der VR technologie wirst du in der Lage sein dich selbstständig um ruinierte Gründstücke zu kümmern! Setz deine VR Brille auf, schnapp dir die Controller und werde ein Meister der Renovierung!
If they paid me for this job it means the job was done right, right?
The sale of the first house was successful!
You don't have to be angry to throw plates at the walls!
Straight into the center of the dartboard, and then the same 2 more times!
Beating the time of 0:30 on a rally track is a real challenge!
When the mystery of the mysterious burglar is solved...
Scrubbing dirt is my calling!
Any repair crew is nothing compared to me!
No egg finds ease!
Selling sand on the beach or a house on the estate is not a big deal for me.
By using Remote Car!
If you love something, let it fly!
n = 100
Collecting $300,000 wasn't a big challenge!
C'mon, grab your Simon!
Oil stains had to come from somewhere...
Loves wooden furniture and baking.
Loves art and colored walls.
A real estate agent.
Loves vintage furniture, blue colored walls and TV.
Loves dark green walls and music.
Just started a family.
House prices matter.
Loves decorations and blue furniture.
Loves sport and e-sports.