Schlüpfe in die Rolle eines scynthianischen Anführers und mache den ersten Schritt zur Rettung des Scynthianer vor dem Untergang.
Build a chain of 15 Relays
Research the entire research tree
Mine 50,000 zapp
Complete the construction of Stellar Bridge
Expand the colony to 33,333 members
Expand the colony to 100,000 members
Deplete a mine
Find the Hayan unicorn…
The Scynthians live to fight another day!
Build all buildings that boost population growth
Build 100 structures
Have a single Fixycoil repair 6 buildings simultaneously
Shoot a frostified enemy with the Flamatron
Survive 10 war cycles
Kill 3,333 enemies.
Kill 10,000 enemies
Destroy a lair
Destroy 20 lairs
Build one of every turret
Lose a building to the enemy
Lose a building to the electric tornado
Have 100 Scynthians die in a single wave
Find a relic
Collect 10 relics
Collect 50 relics
Collect 20 unique relics
Reach the Hayan spring when the Spitflies emerge!
Destroy 10 hive trees
Reach the meteor season
A meteor destroyed your building
You saved the Hayan monsters from extinction, how noble of you!
Well, you lost. Congratulations?
Kill 3 Mole-trolls.