Into the Stars ist eine Open-World-Weltraum-Überlebenssimulation, die mit der Unreal Engine 4 läuft, und von Jack Wall musikalisch untermalt wurde.
Begin your journey
Kill a Skorn ship in combat
Explore a new planet for the first time
Discover a new module
Find a survivor to replace a lost crew member
Complete the journey to Titus Nova
Construct a civilian building
Explore an Ark wreckage
Explore a Skorn wreckage
Find a Storage Container hidden in the world
Mine a planet until the timer reaches 0
Reach Titus Nova on Explorer or higher difficulty
Reach Titus Nova on Normal or higher difficulty
Reach Titus Nova on Pursuit Difficulty
Reach Titus Nova and receive an A or higher Grade
Perform a trade with an Alien Race
Defeat a Menkhet Pirate