Jumpala ist ein rasantes Action-Puzzle mit starken Kampfspiel-Vibes. Während die Kernmechanik einfach ist, ist jedes Spiel ein Test von Geschicklichkeit und Strategie, während du versuchst, deine Gegner zu übertreffen und auszuspielen. Du kannst sowohl lokal als auch online spielen.
Complete a game without dying once
Finish the basic tutorial
Finish the advance tutorial
Score 100 or more points in a single round
Play 100 Versus Games
Play 500 Versus Games
Play 1000 Versus Games
Win a game without using any specials or ultimates
Get 10 KOs in a single round
KO three opponents with Line Strike
Freeze players 20 times in a single round
Freeze 10 or more platforms with Algific Defense
Lock in 50 points in a single round
Override 10 platforms locked by other players in a single round
Blow up 10 or more platforms in one ult
Bomb 50 points of platforms in a single round
Scamper continuously for 10 seconds
Ram into another player 10 times during Hyperspeed
Win a game in three rounds or less
Use your ultimate 10 times in a single round
Slow time continuously for 5 seconds
Stop time 5 times in a single match
Steal 50 points in a single round
Steal 4 times in a single cloak
Earn 100,000 Jenny
Earn 999,999 Jenny
Get A rank with 7 different characters
Get S rank with 7 different characters
Get S rank with 7 different characters on Hard