Werde in diesem Überlebenskampf-Roguelite zum Meister der Kampfkünste. Nutze deine Fäuste, Füße und die Umgebung, um dich gegen Ganoven zu wehren. Meistere Kombos, verbessere deine Fähigkeiten und denke daran: Alles um dich herum ist eine Waffe!
Get into the isolated room
Collect 6 hits of the same style
Upgrade a hit to level 7
Unlock a hit of yellow style
Reach level 30
Defeat the crazy old man
Defeat the boss of the supermarket
Defeat the boss of the bar
Defeat the boss of the rooftop
Defeat the boss of the construction site
Defeat the boss of the subway
Use 500 objects
Use 100 weapons
Use a burrito
Use a shuriken
Use a shotgun
Fully buy out one upgrade
Fully buy out 5 upgrades
Fully buy out 10 upgrades
Fully buy out all upgrades
Become a master
Become a legend