„King Arthur: Legion IX“ ist ein rundenbasiertes, charakterorientiertes und taktisches RPG im Universum von „King Arthur: Knight's Tale“, einer düsteren Fantasy-Version der Artus-Sage. „King Arthur: Legion IX“ heißt neue Spieler im mythischen Land von Avalon mit einer völlig neuen Story und neuen...
Recruit all Hero Companions.
Kill 100 enemies in Avalon.
Finish a mission with maximum vitality.
Activate a Lar at the Lararium.
Equip two Lars at the Lararium.
Collect all the Lars.
Unlock the Ultimate skills of your Heroes.
Use Ultimate skills 10 times.
Harvest 1000 Souls.
Dismatle 50 items at the Blacksmith.
Upgrade 10 Items at the Blacksmith.
Fully upgrade a building of Nova Roma.
Issue 5 Decrees at the War Council.
Reach the end of Demonic morality side.
Reach the end of Human morality side.
Purchase a Relic item at the Tower of Knowledge.
Equip a character with Relic items in every slot (except potions).
Finish a mission which is at least two levels above your Heroes.
Kill an enemy with at least 10 hits using Gaius Julius Mento's Ultimate skill.
In one turn, Gavius Messala and two of his Doppelgaengers each kill an enemy unit.
Deal 100 damage with a single tick of Necrosis with Plutonius Nerva.
Heal 3000 Vitality.
Have 8 enemies adjacent to Octavus Remus at the same time.
Throw Volleys into six different enemies at the same time with Florianus Drusus.
Have Fire Birds, Abyssal Guardian, Gavius Messala's Doppelgaengers, Scorpio Turret, and Palisade at the same time.
Have 12 Burning enemies at the same time.
Complete all the riddles during the campaign.
Complete all Duels during the campaign.
Complete the story in Roguelite mode.
Finish the Endgame.
Don't skip the credits.