Erschaffe deine eigene epische Saga über Konflikt, Mythologie und Zusammenhalt!
Succeed at every heroquest
Create a new clan by splitting
Forge other clans into a tribe
Have a clan leader elected as tribal queen
Win the Ten Year Ring as tribal queen
Have a clan leader elected as tribal king
Win the Ten Year Ring as tribal king
Become Queen of Dragon Pass
Become King of Dragon Pass
Complete the tutorial
Explore the map of Dragon Pass
Succeed at five cattle raids in a row
Succeed at five raids in a row
Win as a peace clan
Have 25 points of clan magic
End a feud
Hoard 25 treasures
Build a shrine to every deity
Learn every mystery
Build every fortification
Earn the Ten Year Ring at the Hard level
Become King or Queen of Dragon Pass at the Hard level
Give a clan a new name