Nach der Bestseller-Kinderbuchserie "Pierre, der Irrgarten-Detektiv". Schlüpfe in diesem Adventure/Puzzlespiel in die Rolle von Pierre und finde den gestohlenen Irrgartenstein. Reise durch atemberaubende handgezeichnete Illustrationen, triff exzentrische Charaktere und löse Rätsel und rette Opern...
Get all the Achievements in game.
Catch Mr X... or not.
Finish the Museum level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Street Party level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Downtown level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Southern Castle level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Village in the Forest level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Haunted Manor level with all its collectibles.
Finish the The Forgotten City level with all its collectibles.
Finish the On the Docks level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Flea Market level with all its collectibles.
Finish the Final Giant Maze with all its collectibles.
Get all the Chests.
Get all the Pages from Mr X's Book.
Get all the Stars.
Get all the Trophies.
Get all the collectibles in game.
Find Gmlf in all the levels.
Find Coco in all levels.
Find Hoshi in all levels.
Find the Polar Bear in all levels.
Walk 10,000 steps.
Listen to everything he has to tell you.
Find the man who has seen the seabed maze.
Shoot both fireworks.
Lock yourself in the cage.
Search all the bushes in the Museum.
Get on the roof of a car.
Find Pierre's strange double.
Grow the magic bean.
Find out whether the chicken or the egg was first.
Shock Dr Frankenstein's creature 5 times.
Throw the rock into the sea.
Lock yourself behind the door that leads nowhere.
Find where the pink animals come from.
Launch the real Golden Hen's rocket.
Find Pierre's twin sister.
Change an option in the option menu.
Catch 5 ducks.