Hey Ladies, ich bin wieder im Geschäft! In meinem neuen Abenteuer Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry verschlägt es mich – wie auch immer – vom Ende der 80er direkt ins 21. Jahrhundert – und Wow, hat sich die Welt vielleicht verändert!
Get your first very own PiPhone.
Use the Barbarian Brew leftovers.
Have fun with the "Time-Killing-Machine".
Start a new game.
Try to trim some beards.
Larry in the 21st century!
Watch the credits to the end.
Help the game to pass the Bechdel Test.
Choose the dice at the wrong moment.
Try to cheat when distributing the posters.
Try to find Dick in the darkness.
Try to find Erin and Lemma in the darkness.
Find Dildo.
Meet the president.
Try to refund the game.
Meet Lefty outside his bar.
Lefty can tell a lot of "interesting" things.
You have to be diplomatic with lawyers.
Complete the quiz.
Pretend you are working.
End up where Larry belongs.
Fulfill the prophecy.
Learn something about Larry's subconsciousness.
Complete the game.
Date Erin.
Date Lemma.
Date Dick.
Date Nari.
Help Lance
Date Diana.
Date Anu.