Little Nightmares II ist ein spannendes Abenteuer, in dem du in Monos Schuhe schlüpfst: Ein kleiner Junge, der in einer Welt gefangen ist, die im Bann einer finsteren Übertragung steht. Mit seiner neuen Freundin Six macht sich Mono auf, den Ursprung der Übertragung zu finden.
Your life is now free of challenges. Congratulations
Nothing of us remains anywhere. Bravo!
Hats are very important to some people
Not today!
It would be cliché to collect them all
Hold tight and we'll be just fine
There, you'll be much warmer now
Movie night on the ward - all taken care of!
Plenty of snacks for a growing boy
I see through you...
Some holes are more picky than others
You punctuated someone's day. Maybe they'll notice!
Unorthodox, but they all count!
My, what a curious song you play!
Creative, efficient, brutal. Top of the class!
Rebellion at its finest!
Any other last requests?
Tempting, so tempting...