Du bist ein Gefangener, der in einer fremden Einrichtung eingesperrt ist, gefüllt mit tödlichen Fallen und geflüsterten Geheimnissen. Zuerst erscheinen dir die Anlage und ihre Bewohner alle wie ein Rätsel, aber bald fängst du an zu verstehen: Deine einzige Chance zu überleben ist, die Magnetpisto...
ActionFind all 9 endings.
Complete “Hard WMMPs” in less than 10 seconds, without touching the floor.
Complete “Trick Jump” in less than 8 seconds.
Play through all tiers and pick an ending in under 2 hours & 30 minutes.
Play through all tiers and pick an ending in under 1 hour & 15 minutes.
Complete “3D Puzzle” in less than 60 seconds.
Complete “Seesaws” in less than 20 seconds.
Trigger a spike trap with your body... and survive.
Endure the pains of electricity, poisonous gas and fire in a single level, and live to tell the tale!
Complete “Columnial” without being burnt by any flamethrowers.
Take the high road in “Crouch ‘n Climb”
Fly all the way to the lever without touching the ground in “I’m Flying”.
Hit both buttons in “The Pit” from the topmost platform.
Complete “Target Practice” without hitting both buttons.
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction
Indiana Jones und der Große Kreis