Du bist Dax, einer von nur sieben Auserwählten, die am Trainingsprogramm der MagTech Corp. teilnehmen dürfen. Die Chance deines Lebens wird zum alptraumhaften Kampf ums Überleben als die Horden Cthulhus deine Welt überrennen.
For completing Act I
For completing Act II
For completing the game
For completing Introductory Cube in less than 2 minutes
For completing Introductory Jumper in less than 5 minutes
For completing Introductory Platform in less than 5 minutes
For completing Intermediate Cube in less than 5 minutes
For completing Introductory Integration in less than 5 minutes
For completing Intermediate Platform in less than 5 minutes
For completing Advanced Platform in less than 5 minutes
For completing Platform Test in less than 5 minutes
For completing Introductory Fusion in less than 5 minutes
For completing Intermediate Integration in less than 5 minutes
Use Newton less than 15 times in the dark room
Survive the From Beyond level by closing all 3 gates
Break the glass in the Reboot
Visit all deadlocks in The Deep
For discovering the Cube Holder
For discovering the Mod Cube
For discovering Newton
For killing the first monster
10 levels in a row without dying in Act II
Pass Act III without dying
Jump from the last swing in the ruptured challenge without using vertical platform