Konstruiere Roboter mit revolutionären Freiform-Handwerkzeugen und steuere sie durch leistungsstarke visuelle Programmierung. Bewältige Solo-Herausforderungen oder spiele mit deinen Freunden im Mehrspieler-Modus. Mit fortschrittlicher Physik wie Aerodynamik und Roboterzerstörung!
Send a dummy flying really high
Throw a dummy in the water
Put a dummy in a train
Throw a dummy in the volcano
Place a dummy in a chair on the beach in "Oh No!"
Tear a limb from a dummy
Fully dress up your drone
Finish "Down the hill!" without any wheels.
Do a 360 while in the air with your bot.
Fly for 30 seconds (Cannot use Hover Pads).
Play a sound with a speaker
Pop a balloon.
Reach the top of the mountain
Find the treasure cave
Throw a coconut at a dummy.
Activate a piston by connecting a toggle node directly to the piston.
Activate a piston by connecting a sum node directly to the piston
Setup 4 wheel steering by using a negate node on the back wheels
Send different values to left and right side on a hinge
Equip every melee weapon on a bot.
Destroy a fire with an axe.