Wir schreiben das Jahr 3015. Die Schlachtfelder werden von Kriegsmaschinen, den sogenannten BattleMechs, beherrscht. Ebne ganze Städte ein und dezimiere den Feind in deinem BattleMech. Folge einem Streben nach Ruhm und Rache. Manage eine expandierende Söldnerkompanie. Kämpfe an der Seite deiner F...
Action / SimulationDestroy 75 light 'Mechs in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Destroy 75 medium 'Mechs in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Destroy 75 heavy 'Mechs in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Destroy 75 assault 'Mechs in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Destroy 250 ground vehicles in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Destroy 250 flying vehicles in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)
Complete 5 missions with your lance at least 50 tons under max tonnage, in a campaign or career.
Complete a Raid mission with zero enemy units killed, in a campaign or career.
Apply a custom paint pattern or color to one of your 'Mechs in a campaign or career.
Complete 5 missions while playing co-op, in a campaign or career.
Have all hardpoints on 4 'Mechs be equipped with tier 4 or higher weapons, in a campaign or career.
Complete 10 Defense missions with the base health at 80% or more, in a campaign or career.
Complete 10 Warzone missions, each earning at least 500,000 bonus C-bills, in a campaign or career.
Accumulate a net worth of 100,000,000 C-bills in a campaign or career.
Destroy 250 turrets in a campaign or career. (Counts kills by your entire lance.)