Wolltest Du schon immer Deine eigene Raumstation bauen? Mit Waren handeln und Dich um die Bewohner kümmern? Meeple Station ist eine offene Raumstationssimulation in der Manier von Rimworld, der es gelingt, genau das zu ermöglichen.
Mine 1,000 Feldspar, Magnetite, Ilmenite or Monazite
Mine 1,000 Ice
Mine 1,000 Quartz
Refine 100 Thorium 232
Refine 100 Graphene or Diamond
Refine 500 Aluminium
Refine 500 Steel
Refine 500 Titanium
Refine 100 Superalloy
Manufacture one of every type of electrical component
Eject 1,000 Litres of Waste
Extract 1,000 Litres of Water at a Waste Processor
Grow Fruit, Vegetables, and Fish
Consume 1,000 Fish
Have A Meeple fly out the airlock
Entire crew is sad at the same time
Absorb ten meteors with your shield
Witness a hundred Meteors
Witness a thousand meteors
Have two officers making orders