Der ikonische Blaue Bomber ist in dieser zweiten Sammlung klassischer Capcom-Titel wieder da! Mit detailgetreuen Nachbildungen der Titel Mega Man 7 bis Mega Man 10 platzt das Spiel vor zusätzlichen Inhalten aus allen Nähten - von "Time Trials" und "Challenges" bis hin zu einem Musik-Player und ei...
Prove yourself stronger than Bass and complete Mega Man 7.
Eliminate the Evil Energy and complete Mega Man 8.
Liberate Dr. Light and complete Mega Man 9.
Use Proto Man to liberate Dr. Light and complete Mega Man 9.
Cure the Roboenza and complete Mega Man 10.
Use Proto Man to cure the Roboenza and complete Mega Man 10.
Use Bass to cure the Roboenza and complete Mega Man 10.
Earn 1 bronze medal by completing a challenge.
Earn 10 bronze medals by completing challenges.
Earn 25 bronze medals by completing challenges.
Earn 1 silver medal by completing a challenge.
Earn 10 silver medals by completing challenges.
Earn 25 silver medals by completing challenges.
Earn 1 gold medal by completing a challenge.
Earn 10 gold medals by completing challenges.
Earn 25 gold medals by completing challenges.
Earn 50 gold medals by completing challenges.
Complete the "BOSS RUSH" challenge (Mega Man 7).
Complete the "BOSS RUSH" challenge (Mega Man 8).
Complete the "BOSS RUSH" challenge (Mega Man 9).
Complete the "BOSS RUSH" challenge (Mega Man 10).