Spiele Gregor, verwandelt in einen winzigen Käfer, und erlebe eine außergewöhnliche Reise, um das Geheimnis deiner Verwandlung zu lüften. Metamorphosis: Eine surreale Welt in der Ego-Perspektive, in der dich nur deine neuen Fähigkeiten retten können.
Unlock all achievements
Read the letter from the Tower
Wake Josef up
Gain access to The Lawyer's office
Find the Procedure
Sail the ship
Run the projector
Survive the visit to the Tower
Make Lenni fall for you
Truly understand the Preacher
Gain access to the Bugville Underworld
Ride the sandwich
Suffer the fire, water, poison, electricity, overbearing gravity and squashing
All those Effigies in ruin
Communicate to Josef his trial date
Kill the tiger
Meet your first bug
Feed the Hunger Artist
Obtain the certificate
Use the Roboarm