Monster Harvest Steam Key

Monster Harvest

Ein Farmabenteuer mit einem Twist! Baue deine eigene Farm aus, errichte und gestalte dein eigenes Haus, stelle deine eigenen Möbel her, koche leckere Marmeladen und mutiere deine Pflanzen, um treue und wilde Gefährten zu erschaffen, die du in den Kampf mitnehmen kannst!

Windows PC  Arcade & Indie / RPG (Rollenspiel)
16,99€ -10% 15,29€ Zur Shop-Seite

10 Steam Achievements

Welcome to Planimal Point!
Welcome to Planimal Point!

Begin your first day on the farm.

My first Planimal!
My first Planimal!

Recieve a Planimal from the Professor.

To the Rec Center!
To the Rec Center!

Repair the bridge to the rec center.

Furniture in the Forest!
Furniture in the Forest!

Unlock the furniture shop.

Let's Get Fishy!
Let's Get Fishy!

Unlock the fishing rod.

Save the Slimes!
Save the Slimes!

Defeat the queen.

So long, Slime Co!
So long, Slime Co!

Red Slime Time
Red Slime Time

Apply red slime to a crop.

Green Sheen
Green Sheen

Apply green slime to a crop.

Blue Goo
Blue Goo

Apply blue slime to a crop.