Monuments Renovator ist ein Spiel, in dem du in die Rolle eines professionellen Denkmalrestaurators schlüpfen kannst. Wähle eines der größten Denkmäler der Welt aus, restauriere es zu neuem Glanz und erfahre dabei etwas über Geschichte und Architektur.
Complete main task in Old Village.
Complete all main quests in the Old Tavern.
Complete all main quests in the Old Mill.
Complete all main quests in the chapell.
Complete all main quests in the Saint Michel.
Complete all main quests on the Aqueduct.
Complete all main quests in the Chateau Rideau.
Complete all main quests in the Eiffel Tower.
Complete all main quests in the Notre Dame.
Find all spear pieces, restore and reassemble.
Rebuild the Roman Crane.
Order the parts and build a wooden cantilever.
Find a metal bottle and renew.
Find and rebuild a wooden barrel.
Collect the pieces and rebuild the container.
Find the pieces of the bell and rebuild the bell.
Place your books in a place that is visible to visitors.
Find the pieces of the sculpture and rebuild the whole thing.
Find pieces of a buffalo carving. Place restored sculptures in their places.
Clear the tower.
Cleanse the stone lions.
Put the stone cupids in their place.
Rebuild the old clock from the pieces.
Rebuild the Seismograph.
Clear the sculpture.
Place the folded sculptures on the cathedral's roof.
Complete main tasks on the Great Wall.
Complete the main tasks in Luxor.
Complete the main tasks in Machu Picchu.
Complete the main tasks in the game.