In Moonglow Bay spielst du einen Hobbyangler und arbeitest mit Freunden, Familie und Nachbarn daran, deine Angelkünste zu perfektionieren, Beziehungen zu schließen und stärken und die Gemeinde eines entlegenen Städtchens wieder zu einen.
Complete the story in 30 in-game days or fewer
Complete the story without buying, selling, or trading for shells, any unprepared fish
Become good friends with three characters and collect their stamps
Listen to 30 unusual fish stories around town
Research the Beansprout Shark, Gingerbread Barracuda and Fairy Shrimp
Research the Demon-Claw Crab, Ghostly Swordfish and Royal Devil
Research the Unicorn Lobster, Cyclops Fish and Narrownose Chimaera
Research the Starosa, Void Pike and Cosmic Ray
Research the Rogue Pelican Eel, Duck-Billed Trout and Moonglow Flying Fish
Research the Anuvah Shark, Wolfsbane Shark and Dragonscale Shark
Research the Jazzy Rabbit Fish, Woollyhead and Warlock Roll Fish
Research the Piglett Bass, Camel Shrimp and Zebrass
Research the Sugar Cube Guppy, Marshmallow Fish and Cotton Candy Grouper
Research the Anvil Grunt, Archer Fish and Halberd Barracuda
Earn 5000 shells selling shellfish meals
Spend 7 continuous days away from town and catch a fish in every biome
Release an Atlantic Halibut, Bluefin Tuna and Atlantic Cod
Catch a fish using 15 different combinations of rod, lure, and bait
Spend 500 shells on a single tow back to town
Catch a Spider-Eyed Mermaid, then release it within 2 seconds