Trainiere Drachen und Einhörner auf deiner fantastischen Ranch. Kümmere dich um sie und baue durch Reitstunden Beziehungen zwischen ihnen und Schülern auf. Erschaffe die berühmteste Ranch im verzauberten Königreich!
Complete Feritella's tutorial.
Take part in your first tournament.
Organize your first festival.
Unlock access to the Crystal Plains.
Unlock access to the Enchanted Grove.
Reach level 20 Reputation with your ranch.
Give a lesson to 4 students at the same time.
Train 4 perfect duos in one lesson.
Adopt your first rare creature.
Earn a new badge for your creature.
Go one whole week without a creature becoming unhappy.
Win first place in an Esteemed Tournament.
Earn a new badge for an entire tournament team simultaneously at the end of a tournament.
Reach 100% Enthusiasm during a festival.
Achieve an S grade at the end of a Strict Festival.
Adopt a creature of each element.
Adopt a rare creature of each element.
Place 15 Shimmashyne Crystals.
Plant 50 Conifaeries.
Place 500 path tiles.
Upgrade 25 buildings to level 3.
Spend 10,000 Gems by refreshing the selection.
Reach 24 simultaneous enrolments in your ranch.
Reach the maximum number of creatures and staff members you can have.
Complete every Challenge.