Gestrandet auf einem kargen Mond, nur mit deinen Werkzeugen, einem treibstofflosen Schiff und den himmlischen Schaffenskräften, ist es dein Schicksal, das einst Verlorene zu erneuern und der Held deines eigenen kleinen Universums zu sein! Lade bis zu drei Freunde in den Splitscreen-Koop-Modus ein!
Action / Arcade & IndieComplete the tutorial on the planet Hades.
Claim the sword.
Slay 25 Goblins.
Defeat the Cave Guardian.
Pick up the Source Core.
Unlock The Astronaut.
Complete the planet Gaia.
Rescue the tailor by defeating the Troll on the Mainland.
Rescue the farmer by defeating the Troll in the Mountains.
Defeat The Spider Queen.
Slay 25 Crocodiles.
Destroy the Swamp Toilet.
Rescue the farmer by defeating the Troll in the Swamp.
Unlock The Bearbarian.
Complete the planet Trollheim.
Defeat the Skeleton King.
Purchase a raft.
Slay 50 Ghost Pirates in Dimidium.
Defeat the Crab King.
Unlock the secrets of the Ghost Ship.
Defeat the Kraken.
Unlock Captain Scurvybeard.
Complete the planet Dimidium.
Defeat the Red Knight.
Explore the secrets behind the dark and twisted research of Nexorum.
Slay 100 Aliens.
Defeat the Alien Queen.
Unlock the Robot character.
Complete the planet Nexorum.
Defeat Crunchy.
Defeat the Mean One.
Finalize the Winter celebration tree.
Defeat both the White Queen and Black Queen.
Unlock Strudus The Wise.
Complete the planet Wadirum.
Finish the Settlement in Odysseum.
Use the oldest trick in the book to get within the castle walls in Odysseum.
Channel the power of the Reaper!
Complete the planet Odysseum.
Turn the sundial.
Defeat The Sorcerer!
Embrace the inner Dragon... or Lizard, it's close enough.
Complete the planet Dragonora.
Free the Settlers by defeating the Stone Giant.
Defeat the Librarian.
Defeat the cosmic Entity.
Become a goddess!
Complete the planet Egyptium.
Defeat Khan.
Finish fortifying the Settlement.
Become one with Bushido.
Defeat the Kitsune Deity and its avatars to free The Turtle Deity from corruption.
Complete the planet Asium.
Complete the story!
Complete all of the Planet Challenges.
Unlock every Character.
Reach a 100% completion on every Planet.
Upgrade your armor and tools to the maximum level.
Find 10 Treasure Chests or Coin Piles.
Pick-up 25 resource pick-ups.
Gather 1,000,000 resources.
Gather 10,000,000 resources.
Gather 10,000 resources using the special charge-up ability.
Connect a second player.
Reach Level 10.
Catch a predator of the depths.
Catch every single shark type fish.
Unlock Seamore.
Unlock Rex