Ein Kerker in Gefahr! Errichte, verwalte und verteidige deinen Turm im satirischen, heroischen Fantasy-Universum von Dungeon of Naheulbeuk. Von einer wackeligen Einrichtung zum berüchtigten Verlies.
Survive your first incursion during the campaign.
Survive an incursion from each of the factions.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the Builder.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the Godfather.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the Good.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the ultimate warlock.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the tavernkeeper.
Complete the quest: Zangdar the Plutocrat.
Complete all the quests available in the dungeon in a single save.
Have 10 undead in the dungeon at the same time.
Start a game in free mode.
Complete a raid of each type.
Teleport a magician 5 times.
Have 6 demons, 6 cultists, and 6 summoning circles in the dungeon.
Enchant 10 traps with magic during a single game.
Build all available traps in the dungeon.
Get all storage gauges full in a single game.
Level up to 70% dirtiness in the entire dungeon.
Have 1 minion of each profession reach max rank.