"Während die Göttinnen unterwegs waren, um auf einen Notruf von dem fernab gelegenen PC-Kontinent zu reagieren, wurden Nepgear und die anderen Kandidaten losgeschickt, um ein verlassenes Labor zu untersuchen.
Clear Hyperdimension Neptunia Sisters vs. Sisters!
Get whomped by a Dogoo (LOL).
Deal 300 Hits.
Complete 30 Chains.
Your character got to 1HP via poison. Woof.
Defeat 100 enemies with melee attacks.
Defeat 100 enemies with long-range attacks.
Fight in 500 battles.
Defeat over 2,000 enemies.
Jump a total of 300 times.
Dash for a total of 60 minutes.
Guard 300 times in total.
Step Dash 300 times in total.
Successfully complete 100 Symbol Attacks.
Develop 10 B titles in Disc Development.
Develop a total of 100 titles in Disc Development.
Complete 30 quests from citizens.
Find 100 treasures in the dungeons.
Obtain 100 items from destructible objects.
Earn a total of 1,000,000 credits.
Spend a total of 1,000,000 credits.
Purchase a total of 1,000 items.
Sell a total of 1,000 items.
Assemble all the Goddesses and Candidates to your team.
Reach level 99 for all Goddesses and Candidates.
Acquire all the skills of all Goddesses and Goddess Candidates.
Reach 100% share ratio.
Acquire a total of 10,000,000 credits.