NieR: Automata erzählt die Geschichte der Androiden 2B, 9S und A2 und deren Kampf, eine von mächtigen Maschinenwesen überrannte, dystopische Welt zurückzuerobern.
Have your body collected.
Have 100 bodies collected.
Complete your first quest.
80% of all quests completed.
80% of all archives found.
80% of all unit data unlocked.
80% of all plug-in chips collected.
All Pod programs obtained.
Any weapon upgraded to the highest level.
All weapons upgraded to the highest level.
All Pods upgraded to the highest level.
255 enemies destroyed using a flight unit.
Materials gathered at a hidden harvest point 10 times.
All Pods found.
At least 100,000 G in possession.
Any animal ridden for 5 kilometers.
20 different kinds of fish caught.