Nach jahrelanger unermüdlicher Erkundung haben mutige Wikinger ein neues Land voller Rätsel, Gefahren und Schätze entdeckt: Northgard.
Achieve a Domination Victory [not in Story Mode]
Achieve a Trade Victory [not in Story Mode]
Achieve a Fame Victory [not in Story Mode]
Achieve a Wisdom Victory [not in Story Mode]
Win by guarding the Gate of Helheim [not in Story Mode]
Win by taking control of Yggdrasil [not in Story Mode]
Win by forging the Sword of Odin [not in Story Mode]
Control 15 territories
Build a Carved Stone next to the Relic of the Gods
Kill 20 Draugar in a single game
Kill 20 Wolves in a single game
Explore a ruin
Build a House in a swamp
Build 3 Harbors in a single game
Kill the Wyvern
Unlock the Giant's Warchief
Win with the clan of the Wolf [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Stag [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Goat [not in Story Mode]
Have 3 active trade route in a single game
Kill 5 Valkyries in a single game
Kill 10 Valkyries in a single game
Kill 3 bears in a single game
Turn a Farmer into a Warrior
Slaughter 8 Sheep in a single game
Have 6 active Runestone or Carved Stones
Have 7 Defense Towers in your territory
Mine 60 Iron in a single game
Mine 150 Stone in a single game
Explore every zone of Northgard
Have 5 active Skalds at the same time
Have 8 sheeps in Sheepfolds
Hire the Berserker
Win with the clan of the Raven [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Goat [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Raven [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Stag [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Wolf [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 10 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 25 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 50 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 100 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Bear [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Bear [not in Story Mode]
Heal Vedrfolnir once
Heal Vedrfolnir 10 times
Colonize 1 geyser tile
Colonize 10 geyser tiles
Colonize the Thor Wrath tile once
Colonize the Thor Wrath Tile 10 times
Destroy a Kobold camp
Trade with the Kobolds
Win with the Clan of the Boar [not in Story Mode]
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Boar [not in Story Mode]
Have 12 menders in your territory
Achieve 250 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 500 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Achieve 1000 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Complete the first chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the second chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the third chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the fourth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the fifth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the sixth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the seventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the eighth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the ninth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the tenth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete the eleventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the first chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the second chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the third chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the fourth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the fifth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the sixth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the seventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the eighth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the ninth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the tenth chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the eleventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Complete all the bonus objectives in every chapters of Rig's Saga
Have 6 warchiefs in one of your zones.
Keep your happiness over 12 for a whole year
Gather 1000 food by killing wolves with the Clan of the Wolf in one game
Control 4 Hunter's Lodge at the same time
Reach the year 810
Have 3000+ krowns
Have 10 fishermen at the same time
Have the whole map explored before the year 803 in a Medium or Large map
Complete Rig's Saga in Normal difficulty (or above)
Complete Rig's Saga in Hard difficulty (or above)
Complete Rig's Saga in Extreme difficulty
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Snake
Win with the Clan of the Snake
Use Scorched Earth on an enemy tile
Destroy a Myrkalfar Camp
Befriend the Myrkalfar
Explore 10 Ancient Graves
Unlock level 4 of the Leadership Path
Unlock level 4 of the Guardian Path
Unlock level 4 of the Legion Path
Kill 10 Rock Golems
Completely mine 5 Molten Rocks
Win a Ragnarok game
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Dragon
Win with the Clan of the Dragon
Enslave a Jotunn, a Kobold or a Myrkalf
Endure a Thrall uprising
Build a snowman during the Winter Festival event
Build the Relic of Eldhrumnir
Build the Relic of Mjöllnir
Build the Relic of Svalinn
Build the Relic of Jörmunr
Build the Relic of Bragaful
Build the Relic of Gefjun's Jar
Build the Relic of Horn of Managarm
Build the Relic of Hlidskjalf
Build the Relic of Naglfar
Build the Relic of Scabbard of Gram
Build the Relic of Mask of Gullinbursti
Build the Relic of Gungnir
Build the Relic of Skull of Hrungnir
Wound a Giant boar with a Mjöllnir's Thunder
Get at least 20 villagers from Gefjun's Jar in one game
Launch a regular and a Giant Mercenary raid on the same player
Spend 1000 Lore in colonization in one game
Kill a Jötunn with a Draconic Jötunn
Play a game where 7 different Relics are built.
Capture an enemy Relic
Control 5 upgraded towers lvl 2
Build 2 relics in the same game
Win with the Clan of the Horse
Win 50 games
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Horse
Build the Relic of Dainsleif & Tyrfing
Win with the Clan of the Kraken
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Kraken
Witness a boat sunk by the mighty Kraken
Win a game without colonizing any non coastal zone with the Clan of the Kraken
Build the Edda of Vor
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Wolf
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Stag
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Goat
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Bear
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Raven
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Boar
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Snake
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Dragon
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Horse
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Kraken
Finish at least 6 Conquests with different clans
Finish all battles of a Conquest
Finish a Conquest in Hard difficulty
Finish a Conquest in Extreme difficulty
Win each one of the different battles
Win with the Clan of the Ox
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Ox
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Ox
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Ox
Destroy 4 different buildings with the Ram ability in one game.
Find 6 Legendary items in one game
Win a game with the clan of the Ox without reaching max population
Colonize a zone with a Ceremonial Bonfire during the "Ceremonial Bonfire" event
Unlock 2 Giants' Champion in 1 game
Attack an enemy in Landvidi
In Landvidi, attack an enemy with Ghost warriors
Steal a knowledge for the first time using Mimirsbrunn
Steal a knowledge 5 times using Mimirsbrunn
Use the Cleanse ability for the first time
Heal 8 sick units with a single Cleanse
Clear Naströnd for the first time
Clear Naströnd 5 times
Win with the Clan of the Lynx
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Lynx
Reveal an enemy Townhall with Brundr or Kaelinn
Buy 500 Hunting Trophies in one game
Release Oskoreia at the highest level of threat
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Lynx
Finish the Conquest with the clan of the Lynx
Win with the Clan of the Squirrel
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Squirrel
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Squirrel
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Squirrel
Gift 1,000 resources in one game
Win a game having shared all the meals you prepare with all your teammates
Control a territory of at least 10 Eldritch zones.
Win a game with every started neutral faction alive and not befriended by anyone
Send a scout to spy on 3 different clan's Townhall in a single game
Eliminate 3 different neutral factions in a single game
Befriend 3 different neutral factions in a single game [Not in Story Mode]
Eliminate 5 neutral factions after they were befriended by another clan.
Eliminate a clan targeted by your "Bullying" Rivalry
Be the target of 3 Manhunt Rivalry at the same time
Win a competitive event in which all clans have participated
Maintain the "Eavesdropping" Rivalry for 2 years, with a clan doing the same with you.
Kill 3 enemy Dwarven Operatives in a single game
Win with the Clan of the Rat
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Rat
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Rat
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Rat
Overwork the same worker 5 times.
Keep the Purification Pyres burning for 12 months without interruption.
House 10 Villagers or more in neutral factions houses in a single game.
Have 10 Merchants working in the same zone.
Win with the Clan of the Eagle
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Eagle
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Eagle
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Eagle
Leave 200 resources or more in loot pouches to be collected by your allies in a single game
Explore a ruin or shipwreck on a zone next to an enemy territory
Blind 6 enemies or more in a single fight
Collect 10 Stones and 10 Iron in a single game without building a mine
Win with the Clan of the Lion
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Lion
Carry a Relic into enemy territory
Control 5 forts or more
Revive 20 or more units at once
Raise an army comprised of at least 12 paladins
Build the relic of the clan of the Lion
Build the Codex Aureus
Build the Altar of Volvinius
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Lion
Complete the first chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the second chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the third chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the fourth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the fifth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the sixth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the seventh chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the eigth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the first chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the second chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the third chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the fourth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the fifth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the sixth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the seventh chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the eigth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the ninth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete the tenth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the ninth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete each of the bonus objectives in the tenth chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete all of the bonus objectives in every chapter of Cross of Vidar
Complete Cross of Vidar in Normal difficulty (or above)
Complete Cross of Vidar in Hard difficulty (or above)
Complete Cross of Vidar in Extreme difficulty
Build the Holy Fire Relic
Win with the Clan of the Stoat
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Stoat
Enter an enemy territory with an army composed of 20 Sentries or more
Forge Mjolnir as the Kingdom of the Stoat
Win a Lore Victory with the Kingdom of the Stoat, assigning your Monks only to Viking Artifacts
Collect and share a Levy providing at least 3 different bonuses at their maximum value
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Stoat
Attack Woodcutters with the Guardian of Realms in a single game.
Give at least 6 Knowledges to other clans in a single game.
Gain access to the Lore Tree of 7 other clans in a single game.
Have more than 10 natural resources in your territory in a single game.
Win by Unleashing the Realms' power.
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Owl
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Owl
Win with the Clan of the Owl
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Owl
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Owl
Win by cooking the Banquet of Valhöll.
Win with the Clan of the Hounds
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Hounds
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Hounds
Save a Boarskin from sacrificing themself using Blood Sacrifice, with the Death Deceiver ability of a Bearskin.
Win a game without ever building a Woodcutter's Lodge.
Attack a Wolf Den and kill a wolf with a Wolfskin in wolf form.
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Hounds
Finish a run of Bifröst in Classic or Challenge mode.
Finish a run of Bifröst in Challenge mode.
Escape the realm of Midgard.
Escape the realm of Muspelheim.
Escape the realm of Niflheim.
Escape the realm of Nidavellir.
Escape the realm of Idavoll.
Finish a run of Bifröst in Classic or Challenge mode with each clan.
Assemble an army composed of 10 different types of units or more.
Build 6 defensive buildings or more in a single zone.
In a single realm of Bifröst, collect 1200 or more of a single resource from the shared pool.
Win with the Clan of the Turtle
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Turtle
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Turtle
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Turtle
Reach a +30% production bonus on a caravan.
Eliminate an enemy clan or faction, then claim their main zone with one of your caravan.
Win a game, having a territory counting 4 zones or less.
Gains more than 500 Kröwns selling relationship.