Ein Strategie-Koop-Multiplayerspiel, bei dem du mit deinen Mitbewohnern auf einem Raumschiff lebst. Du musst Ressourcen generieren, dich um eine tödliche Alienplage kümmern, deine Vorrichtungen ausbauen und dir ein nachhaltiges Zuhause im All erschaffen. Mit anderen zusammenleben ist nie einfach,...
Complete the Tutorial
Play 3 Matches
Play 8 Matches
Play an Online Match
Win a match in a Small Ship.
Win a match in a Medium Ship.
Win a match in a Large Ship.
Build 50 pieces of furniture.
Recycle 250 Items.
Cook 40 Aliens.
Activate 100 Rooms with a Battery
Spend over 4000 in the Shop.
Start a Solo Match
Win a match without cooking any meals, not even once. Ship size: medium or large.
Win a match without comfortably resting. Sleeping on the ground is allowed, unless you actually care for your dignity. Ship size: medium or large.
Win a match without purchasing any appliances that require energy to function, including the Cleaning Robot. Ship size: medium or large.
Win a match without killing any aliens or throwing them into space. Cleaning their eggs is acceptable! Ship size: medium or large.
Win a match without using the shower yourself or to help others. This doesn't smell good at all. Ship size: medium or large.
Win a Weekly Challenge
Fill a refrigerator with only cooked food.
Own five buckets in a single match.