Erobere den Himmel in deinem Ballonschiff und erforsche eine Welt voller schwebender Inseln. Befreunde schrullige Inselbewohner und andere Reisende, löse einzigartige Rätsel und sammle Ressourcen zum Überleben.
Complete your first flight.
Help Captain Claire with a dicey situation.
Find the pirate’s treasure.
Rescue the monks from their perpetual state of pre-lunch.
Follow a trail of paintings to the bottom of a cave.
Open the entrance to the frozen palace.
Repair Clemens’s machine and help him fix the island.
Solve the mystery of the hungry cannibals.
Climb a mountain and collect a flag.
Help the doctor get back to the top.
Carry out some repairs in zero gravity.
When your only tool is a hammer, every box becomes a nail.
Escape from the smugglers’ hideout.
Reunite the musical couple.
Make sure Clover has their paperwork all sorted out.
Complete the game.
Complete your souvenir collection.
Complete your record collection.