Pathfinder Adventures bringt eines der erfolgreichsten Produkte von Paizo, das Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, in einem verbesserten Erlebnis in die digitale Welt.
Defeat the Prologue scenario.
Complete the Perils of the Lost Coast adventure.
Complete the Burnt Offerings adventure.
Complete The Skinsaw Murders adventure.
Complete The Hook Mountain Massacre adventure.
Complete the Fortress Of The Stone Giants adventure.
Complete the Sins of the Saviors adventure.
Complete the Spires of Xin-Shalast adventure.
Complete the Rise of the Runelords adventure path on Heroic difficulty.
Complete the Rise of the Runelords adventure path on Legendary difficulty.
Unlock Poog and Ranzak
Complete the Burn Everythings! adventure.
Complete the Burn Everythings! adventure on Legendary difficulty.
Unlock Tontelizi.
Complete A Fighter's Tale: Valeros.
Complete A Fighter's Tale: Valeros on Legendary difficulty.