Ein rundenbasiertes Globalstrategiespiel des Science-Fiction-Genres, in welchem du das Schicksal einer von mehreren Fraktionen, verteilt auf drei Rassen, bestimmst. Entdecke neue Welten und neue Sternensysteme, welche sowohl spannende Geheimnisse als auch neue Gefahren beherbergen.
Found your first city
Win a game with the Science victory condition
Win a game with the Domination victory condition
Win a game with the Score victory condition
Win a game with the Diplomatic victory condition
Win a game with the Seal victory condition
Win your first battle
Start a war
Win a game with the Humans for the first time
Win a game with the Corvus for the first time
Win a game with the Drosk for the first time
Win a game with the Quest victory condition
Forge your first alliance
First Level 5 Unit
Reach 30 Influence
Build your first Spaceport District
Reach Year 2
Change Leadership Style for the first time
Assimilate a Vassal for the first time
Colonize a New Planet for the first time
Build your first Outpost
Reach 40 Aether
Start a turn with 10 000 Cr
Destroy a Titan Worm
Use any Artifact
Win a game in any victory condition in the Divine difficulty mode