Per Aspera ist ein Strategiespiel mit einer packenden Geschichte, indem du den Mars in einen bewohnbaren Planeten verwandeln musst. Erkunde den Planeten, triff strategische Entscheidungen und erlebe ein wissenschaftlich fundiertes Abenteuer rund um interplanetare Expansion.
Welcome Humans.
Use nuclear bombs to melt the polar ice caps.
Crash Deimos down.
Import GHGs from Earth.
Built a Space Elevator.
Complete the Magnetic Dipole Shield project.
Research the Opportunity Rover's site.
Research Tõng Hóng Radar Station
Complete stage 1 of the terraforming plan
Complete stage 2 of the terraforming plan
Complete stage 3 of the terraforming plan
Complete stage 4 of the terraforming plan
Complete stage 5 of the terraforming plan
Have at least 5 operative Organic Material Dumpsters.
Have at least 5 operative Water Booster Pumps.
Have at least 5 operative Crater Farms.
Have at least 5 operative Open Farms.
Have at least 5 operative Animal Sanctuaries.
[Blue Mars] Have at least 5 operative ports.
[Blue Mars] Have at least 5 operative shipyards.
[Blue Mars] Have at least 5 operative fisheries.
[Blue Mars] Research all USSR artifacts on Mars.
[Blue Mars] Research all US artifacts on Mars.
[Blue Mars] Research all of PRC's artifacts on Mars.
[Blue Mars] Research all of India's artifacts on Mars.
[Blue Mars] Research all of Oxy-UN's artifacts on Mars.
[Blue Mars] Research all special sites on Mars
[Blue Mars] Reach 1000 meters of water stock
[Blue Mars] Reach Max water stock
[Blue Mars] Have 50 ships
[Blue Mars] Capture 5 Ice Asteroids
[Blue Mars] Research all European and Russian (non-USSR) artifacts on Mars.
Reach 1 million population
Reach 70% flora coverage
Complete the campaign and the Home quest within 100 years.