In Port Royale 4 übernehmen Sie als junger, ambitionierter Gouverneur die Kontrolle einer noch kleinen Kolonie und kämpfen an der Seite der Kolonialmächte des 17. Jahrhunderts um die Vorherrschaft in der Karibik.
Complete the first tutorial
Complete all basic tutorials
Complete the Spain campaign
Complete the England campaign
Complete the Netherlands campaign
Complete the France campaign
Complete all 4 campaigns
Build your first business
Build 250 businesses in one game
Build 1,000 businesses in one game
Own at least one business of each kind in one game
Produce 50,000 barrels of commodities in one game
Buy a vessel for the first time
Sell a vessel for the first time
Name a convoy
Manage 3 towns in one game
Manage 30 towns in one game
Build a cathedral
Host a large feast in the church
Win 50 manual naval battles in one game
Use 8 different tactics in a manual naval battle
Collect all captain's tactics in one game
Own all types of vessels in one game
Complete your first town's task
Complete 100 town's tasks in one game
Find your first treasure
Find 10 treasures in one game
A trade route has been active for 365 days
Have 50 active trade routes in one game
Buy a letter of marque
Sink a pirate convoy
Destroy 15 pirate hideouts in one game
Raid a trader
Plunder 25,000 commodities from trading convoys in one game
Loot a town
Annex 5 towns in one game
Unlock your first concession
Unlock all concessions in one game
Hire a captain
Employ 10 captains in one game
Employ 5 captains with maximum level in one game
Sink 1,000 vessels in one game
Employ 10,000 sailors at the same time in one game
Successfully board 100 vessels in one game
Accumulate 1,000,000 gold
Accumulate 1,000,000,000 gold
Manage 20 towns with a satisfaction level of more than 80%
Reach a population of 300,000 in the Caribbean
Construct 50 town buildings in one game
Sell 1,000,000 barrels in one game