Pumped BMX + ist ein temporeiches Arcade-BMX-Spiel voller Tricks, Stunts und Kombis, die aus einer der bekanntesten BMX-Reihen der Welt stammen. Bewältige über 500 Aufgaben in diesem atemberaubenden Sport-Game.
Complete 500 runs!
Do a manual to tailwhip to icepick to tailwhip on the neon bike
Do a barspin to turndown, barspin to table, and a kickout to table in one run
Do a backflip, a 360 turndown, and a frontflip kickout in one run
Do a 360 turndown, a 360 no foot can-can, and a 360 table in one run
Do a 360 x-up, a 720, and a toboggan to x-up in one run
Do a kickout, a 360 can-can, and a 360 table in one run
Do a 360 one hand table, a barspin to tailwhip, and a superman in one run
Do a backflip turndown, a double backflip, and a 360 turndown backflip in one run
Do a 360 table, a toboggan to table, and a one hand table to turndown in one run
Do a 360 old school, a backflip old school, and a triple tailwhip in one run
Do a double frontflip, a 360 superman, and a backflip triple tailwhip in one run
Do a 360 barspin to double tailwhip, a 360 decade, and a backflip tailwhip in one run
Do a nose manual to barspin, a manual to tailwhip, and a superman in one run
Do a 50-50 to barspin, a 360 to icepick, and a turndown in one run
Do a 360 barspin to tailwhip, a 360 turndown to tailwhip, and an old school to no foot can-can in one run
Complete 500 challenges
Slam 666 times!
Spin over 108000 degrees!
Do 500 tables!
Do 1000 barspins!
Complete 1000 runs!