Dieses Spiel ist leicht zu lernen, aber schwer zu meistern! Erlebe in Puyo Puyo Champions freundschaftliche Rivalitäten und knallharte Wettkämpfe.
Obtained all medals.
Played with both Puyo Puyo 2 and Puyo Puyo Fever rulesets.
Completed 10 matches.
Completed 30 matches.
Completed 50 matches.
Completed 100 matches.
Performed a 3-chain 300 times in completed matches.
Performed a 4-chain 250 times in completed matches.
Performed a 5-chain 200 times in completed matches.
Performed a 6-chain 150 times in completed matches.
Performed a 7-chain 100 times in completed matches.
Performed a simultaneous clear with 2 colors 10 times in completed matches.
Performed a simultaneous clear with 3 colors 5 times in completed matches.
Performed a simultaneous clear with 4 colors 3 times in completed matches.
Completed 10 Puyo Puyo League matches.
Completed 50 Puyo Puyo League matches.
Completed 100 Puyo Puyo League matches.
Used quick drop 50 times in completed matches.
Used quick drop 100 times in completed matches.
Used quick drop 150 times in completed matches.
Played Free Play online 10 times.
Played Free Play online 50 times.
Played Free Play online 100 times.
Performed an All Clear 10 times in completed matches.
Performed an All Clear 50 times in completed matches.
Performed an All Clear 100 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with a 1-chain for the first time.
Finished an opponent with a 1-chain 5 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with a 1-chain 10 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with a chain 5 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with a chain 20 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with a chain 50 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent by counterattack 5 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent by counterattack 20 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent by counterattack 50 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with Fever Mode 10 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with Fever Mode 20 times in completed matches.
Finished an opponent with Fever Mode 30 times in completed matches.
Popped 500 Puyos in completed matches
Popped 1,000 Puyos in completed matches
Popped 50,000 Puyos in completed matches.
Popped 100,000 Puyos in completed matches.
Played "Official Challenge" for the first time
Played "Score Challenge" for the first time
Played "Time Challenge" for the first time