Der Bruchteil einer Sekunde reichte aus, um die Zeit selbst zu zersplittern und zwei Menschen aus der Bahn zu werfen. Sie veränderten sich und gewannen außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten. Einer reist durch die Zeit und will sie unter seine Kontrolle bringen, der andere versucht, ihn mittels seiner neue...
Kill 3 enemies with a single Time Blast.
Kill 10 enemies with a head shot while using Dodge Focus.
Traverse a total of 100 meters using the Time Rush.
Use Time Stop to stack a total of 1000 bullets.
Time Stop one hour's worth of accumulated time.
Destroy 15 enemy chronon harnesses.
Kill 15 enemies with environmental explosions.
Sit a spell, take in Paul's presentation at the University.
Complete the game on Casual Difficulty.
Complete the game on Normal Difficulty.
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty.
Watch a show episode with all of its Quantum Ripples unlocked.
Upgrade a time power.
Fully upgrade Time Stop or Time Dodge.
Fully upgrade all time powers.
Complete 100% of the game. Find every hidden thing, make every choice. DO ALL THE THINGS.
Trigger all Quantum Ripples.
Locate all Intel Items.
Locate 1 Quantum Ripple and 1 Intel Item.
Find all e-mails, presentations, TV shows, radios and posters.
Deflect a total of 200 bullets with the Time Shield.