In Rail Route entwirfst, baust, erweiterst und automatisierst du ein Schienennetz auf einer von vielen Karten, die auf realen Städten weltweit basieren. Fertige Züge ab, damit der Verkehr fließt und das Netz wächst!
Have 10 ongoing contracts on a map.
Have 30 ongoing contracts on a map.
Have 50 ongoing contracts on a map.
Have 100 ongoing contracts on a map.
Have 200 ongoing contracts on a map.
Dispatch 10 trains on time.
Dispatch 30 trains on time.
Dispatch 50 trains on time.
Dispatch 100 trains on time.
Dispatch 500 trains on time.
Dispatch 1000 trains on time.
Dispatch 3000 trains on time.
Dispatch 5000 trains on time.
Dispatch your first one-time train.
Dispatch 20 one-time trains.
Dispatch 50 one-time trains.
Dispatch 100 one-off trains.
Dispatch your first train from a coachyard.
Dispatch 20 trains from a coachyard.
Dispatch 50 trains from a coachyard.
Dispatch 100 trains from a coachyard.
Dispatch your first urban train.
Dispatch 20 urban trains.
Dispatch 50 urban trains.
Dispatch 100 urban trains.
Dispatch your first intercity train.
Dispatch 20 intercity trains.
Dispatch 50 intercity trains.
Dispatch 100 intercity trains.
Finish your first cycle in Endless Mode on a single map.
Finish 10 cycles in Endless Mode on a single map.
Finish 50 cycles in Endless Mode on one map.
Finish 100 cycles in Endless Mode on a single map.
Reach a score of 10 in Endless Mode.
Reach a score of 50 in Endless Mode.
Reach a score of 100 in Endless Mode.
Start the story with Jozic.
Complete the signaling tutorial.
Dispatch your first train, earning Jozic’s pocket watch.
Build a shortcut from Dejvice to the Docks.
Finish The Story of Jozic.
Dispatch your first commuter train
Dispatch 20 commuter trains
Dispatch 50 commuter trains
Dispatch 100 commuter trains
Dispatch your first freight train
Dispatch 20 freight trains
Dispatch 50 freight trains
Dispatch 100 freight trains
Dispatch your first regional train
Dispatch 20 regional trains
Dispatch 50 regional trains
Dispatch 100 regional trains
Earn your first star in a timetable map
Earn 2 stars in a timetable map
Earn 3 stars in a timetable map
Earn your first star in a rush hour map
Earn 2 stars in a rush hour map
Earn 3 stars in a rush hour map
Reach the green traffic threshold in an endless map
Reach the red traffic threshold in an endless map
Reach the total score threshold in an endless map
Collect 10M cash in an endless map
Collect 100M cash in an endless map
Have an operational turnover of at least 100k in a cycle
Run 100 on-time trains per cycle
Run 200 on-time trains per cycle