RAZED ist ein blitzschnelles, Singleplayer-Plattform-Rennspiel, in dem sich alles um das Speedrunning dreht. Sprinte so schnell wie möglich durch dynamische Neon-Level und setze dabei Fertigkeiten ein wie Supertempo-Boosts, Megasprünge, Drifts, Stampfen und Schneiden.
Got S grade for A Skyline Redefined
Run a marathon
Unlocked Drift Ability
Got A grade for world 5 Destroy the Block
Found 5 upgrades
Got A grade for Into The Woods
Got S grade for world 5 Destroy the Block
Unlocked Grip Ability
Got S grade for Down the Mines
10 smash deaths
Got S grade for Falling into Ruins
Found all upgrades
Got first S grade for a level
Got first A grade for a level
Drift for longer than 3 seconds
Unlocked Boost Ability
Drift for longer than 1 second
Kill 100 plants
Found first upgrade
Got A grade for A Skyline Redefined
Unlocked Jump Ability
Put out 100 fires
Unlocked Fusion mode
Got S grade for Into The Woods
Get airtime of 2 seconds from a single jump
Got A grade for Falling into Ruins
Do 100 strafes
Unlocked Shout Ability
Got A grade for Weird Science
Got all S grades
Boost for a total of 100 seconds
Got A grade for Down the Mines
Found 20 upgrades
Unlocked Strafe Ability
Do 20 jumps
Do 100 stomps
Completed Every Level
Completed First Level
Grip walls for a total of 10 seconds
Grip walls for a total of 100 seconds
Got all A grades
Got S grade for Weird Science