Der Mond ist verflucht und wenn ein Astronaut den Kontakt zur Erde verliert, kann das Abenteuer anfangen. Begib dich mit gefülltem Sauerstoff und geladenen Waffen auf ein interstellares FPS-Abenteuer voller Rätsel, Kämpfe, Erkundung und seltsamer Geheimnisse durch die Sterne.
Build your first machine
Buy all first tier machines
Buy all second tier machines
Buy all third tier machines
Buy all first factory upgrades
Buy all factory upgrades
Sort wastes successfully 1 time
Sort wastes succesfully 10 times
Take 5 scrap deals
Take 100 scrap deals
Clean 10 gathering areas completely
Fill a pallet completely
Deliver 3 contracts
Sell 100 products at marketplace
Hire 2 sorting workers
Hire a trash collector
Hire an assistant
Get a robot
Reach max employee limit
Reach reputation level 10
Reach reputation level 20
Earn $5000
Earn $250.000
Earn $1.000.000
Produce 200 products
Produce 5.000 products
Use crowbar 10 times
Use lockpick 10 times
Buy crowbar and lockpick
Collect waste from recycle container
Build 20 conveyor belts
Build 50 conveyor belts
Buy all hybrid machines
Sell 250 hybrid products at marketplace
Deliver 10 contracts that include hybrid products
Produce 20.000 products