Spielt alleine oder mit Freunden in diesem Koop-Abenteuer für 1 bis 4 Personen: Beratet euch im Team und rettet die von der Katastrophe Betroffenen. Handelt schnell: Der Erfolg eures Teams hängt von euren Entscheidungen ab, um so viele Leben wie möglich in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit zu retten!
Get 500 rewards in games
Invite friend to finish 1 game
Finish 1 auto match game
Unlock all the levels in world map
Rescue all the pandas in every level
Unlock all the characters
Use 4 characters with helmet to finish 1 game
Use every character join and win at least 1 game
Win 10 games without any Player miss
Win 10 games without any rescue fail
Win 10 games without any resource lost
Get 3 stars in any forest region level without any Player miss
Get 3 stars in any ocean region level any rescue fail
Get 3 stars in tunnel region level without any resource lost
Get 3 stars and evacuate 1 npc in the last 3 seconds in evacuation operation
Get 3 stars and keep all the lights on to win the Rescue Camp level
Get 3 stars and win 1 evacuation operation in 150 seconds
Get 3 stars in every level