Ein verrücktes Multiplayer-Party-Spiel voller Wahnsinn und einer großen Auswahl an einzigartigen, zerstörbaren Levels. Such dir das krasseste schreiende Huhn mit einem stylishen Outfit aus, finde die bizarrste Waffe und grill die anderen Hühner! Welches Huhn bleibt am Ende übrig? Kikerikiii!
Arcade & IndieWin without attacked other players
Finish the Tutorial
Win in a online mode
Complete the match with ten different skins
Play for 100 times
Build and Uploard a map
Double Kill
Triple Kill
Killing with a Energy Sword for the first time
Successfully dodged a bullet
Kill an enemy using spring boots
200th Kill
Using traps to take 30 kills in total
Using glacial weapons to take 40 kills in total
Using fire weapons to take 40 kills in total
Using Lazer gun, Gatling gun, Handgun, Shotgun to take 100 kills in total
Using hammer to take 50 kills in total
Using bubble gun to bubble up to 20 enemies
Win 30 games in online mode
Upload up to 30 maps
First time blowing myself up
Miss landing while wearing spring boots
Oops I fell out of the map
First time getting into a car accident
Beaten up by boxing gloves
Eliminate an enemy by throwing out hammer
Meet a bomb in air
Unlocked every achievements
Unlocked every achievements