Harebrained Schemes' größtes Shadowrun-Spiel bislang und das maßgebliche Shadowrun-RPG-Erlebnis für PC. Jetzt als Standalone-Titel mit tonnenweise neuen Inhalten & Verbesserungen!
Find a new Decker for your crew.
Kill 15 enemies with grenades.
Kill 30 enemies with magic spells.
Watch all of the decrypted DVDs.
Avoid damage 10 times using Wired Reflexes cyberware.
Kill an enemy at point blank range by using a sniper rifle.
Use Spray & Pray to hit more than two enemies with an SMG.
Heal more than 30 damage in a single cast of Heal Wound.
Kill an enemy with a magic spell while standing on a ley-line.
Summon 5 spirits from places in the environment.
Kill 5 enemies with one summoned spirit.
Buy Flash from Zaak Flash.
Complete all Schockwellenreiter Objectives.
Complete all Lodge Objectives.
Successfully attack an enemy with a chance of less than 30% to hit.
Kill 15 enemies using a full-auto rifle or minigun.
Use 5 “combat stims”.
Have every cyberware slot filled by an enhancement.
Kill an enemy with damage over time.