Shenmue III ist die mit Spannung erwartete Fortsetzung der epischen, storygetriebenen Saga. Übernimm die Kontrolle über Ryo Hazuki, einen jugendlichen Kampfkünstler, der entschlossen ist, das Geheimnis hinter dem Mord an seinem Vater zu lüften und sich an dem Mörder zu rächen.
ActionUnlocked all achievements
Collected all herbs in Bailu
Collected all herbs in Niaowu
Collected all available herbs
Fished in all spots in Bailu
Fished in all spots in Niaowu
Fished in all available spots
Caught 1,000 fish
Owned over 1,000 yuan
Owned over 5,000 yuan
Owned over 10,000 yuan
Owned over 20,000 tokens
Owned over 50,000 tokens
Owned over 500,000 tokens
Bought 10 items at a store
Bought 100 items at a store
Bought 1,000 items at a store
Collected 5 series of capsule toys
Collected 15 series of capsule toys
Collected all series of capsule toys
Completed all subquests
Collected all skill books
Won against 36 people in the arena
Got the high score in all minigames
Split 1,000 logs of wood