Shift Happens ist ein kooperativer Rätselplattformer für zwei Personen. Du und deine Freundin/dein Freund könnt die Masse miteinander tauschen, werft euch gegenseitig durch die Gegend und löst Puzzles in vier verschiedenen Welten. Auf dem Weg zum Ziel kommt es natürlich zum ein oder anderen Geplä...
Finish the Laboratory [Singleplayer]
Finish the Laboratory [Multiplayer]
Finish each Laboratory-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]
Finish each Laboratory-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Multiplayer]
Finish the Forest [Singleplayer]
Finish the Forest [Multiplayer]
Finish each Forest-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]
Finish each Forest-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Multiplayer]
Finish the Canyon [Singleplayer]
Finish the Canyon [Multiplayer]
Finish each Canyon-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]
Finish each Canyon-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Multiplayer]
Finish the Grotto [Singleplayer]
Finish the Grotto [Multiplayer]
Finish each Grotto-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]
Finish each Grotto-level with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Multiplayer]
Finish all levels (including bonuslevels) [Singleplayer]
Finish all levels (including bonuslevels) [Multiplayer]
Finish ALL levels with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]
Finish ALL levels with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Multiplayer]
"Push" a character over 8 meters
Struggle yourself free [Multiplayer]
Don't use the Shift in the level "102: Troubling Teamwork" [Singleplayer]
Splitting up doesn't get you anywhere [Multiplayer]
A "little" unfair distribution of coins [Multiplayer]
Die in the level "103a: Push & Pull"
Throw a crate and let your partner catch it [Multiplayer]
Get squished by a small crate with the big character
"Steal" the chain-coin from your partner who did all the hard work [Multiplayer]
Beat the timechallenge in all levels [Singleplayer]
Beat the timechallenge in all levels [Multiplayer]