Begleite Snufkin auf ein musikalisches Abenteuer, um Harmonie und Gleichgewicht im Mumintal wiederherzustellen und es vor dem umtriebigen Parkwächter zu schützen.
Knock down every statue in every park. Go on, do it!
Reach full stamina, you'll need it.
Find all the missing pages of Moomınpappa's masterpiece.
Talk to every creature who has something to say.
Reach the highest level of inspiration.
Discover all gazing spots and take a well deseved break.
Show every lost bee the way back to their hive.
Discover all the vistas and enjoy the view.
Play for every singing bird you meet.
Extinguish all the flames.
Play a lovely tune for every woodpecker in the valley.
You upset the spider. Now make him feel better.
Find something for the horse which rivals her beauty.
Play your drum for 50 ferns and see how they like it.