Sparklite ist ein Action-Abenteuer in einem launischen und sich ständig verändernden Land. Bekämpfe Feinde in Top-Down-Action mit einem Arsenal von Gadgets, Waffen und Ausrüstung. Erkunde gefährliche Winkel der Welt, besiege Titanen der Bergbauindustrie und nutze die Kraft von Sparklite!
Complete the tutorial.
Defeat the boss of the Vinelands.
Defeat the boss of the Goldenwoods.
Defeat the boss of the Acid Bog.
Defeat the boss of the Shifting Sands.
Defeat the boss of Titan's Ridge.
Purchase a Widget from Hawkins.
Rescue Corwin.
Invent a Gadget.
Find a Beat in the world.
Help Margo and Pogo find their way to town.
Rescue Teddy.
Win a race against Rocky the Rocket.
Become a "First Mate" in Monty's Crew.
Collect 25 Beats.
Collect all Beats.
Invent all Gadgets.
Shut down all of the Furnaces.
Accumulate 100 jump-down distance.
Defeat three enemies at once with a Boom Balloon.
Defeat 20 enemies consecutively with the Hammer in a single run.
Gather 1,000 Sparklite in a single run.
Defeat 500 enemies over all plays.
Dig up 100 pickups with Wingnut over all plays.
Clean up 500 splats of Muck with Wingnut over all plays.
Collect 5,000 Sparklite over all plays.
Unlock all other achievements.