Erobere in diesem rasanten Lichtschwert-Actionspiel den Königspalast von Theed zurück. Die Macht der Macht und dein treues Lichtschwert helfen dir dabei, Legionen von Kampfdroiden, Zerstörerdroiden, Attentätern und anderen Kreaturen aus Star Wars: Die dunkle Bedrohung abzuwehren.
Complete all other achievements
Deflect a blaster shot back and kill an enemy four times
Fall to your death
Kill a protocol droid
Pick up both types of lightsaber power-ups
Complete the game on Jedi
Complete Level 1: Trade Federation Battleship
Complete Level 2: Swamps of Naboo
Complete Level 3: City of Theed
Complete Level 4: Theed Palace
Complete Level 5: Tatooine
Complete Level 6: Coruscant
Complete Level 7: Ruins
Complete Level 8: Streets of Theed
Complete Level 9: Palace Cliffs
Complete Level 10: Final Battle
Complete Level 11: Droidekas
Complete Level 12: Kaadu Race
Complete Level 13: Gungan Roundup
Complete Level 14: Survival Challenge
Score Greater than 24000 on Level 1
Score Greater than 24000 on Level 2
Score Greater than 36000 on Level 3
Score Greater than 30000 on Level 4
Score Greater than 30000 on Level 5
Score Greater than 36000 on Level 6
Score Greater than 30000 on Level 7
Score Greater than 36000 on Level 8
Score Greater than 12000 on Level 9
Score Greater than 15000 on Level 10
Defeat a tank as a tank
Fall into the Sarlacc pit
Defeat a Droideka
Rescue a handmaiden
Rescue a pilot
Pick up five health bubbles
Hit an enemy with a grenade
Complete a level as Darth Maul
Force push an enemy into the Sarlacc pit
Complete a level as Mace Windu
Complete a level as Plo Koon
Complete a level as Captain Panaka
Complete the game on Easy