Berlin, 2048 – Die Welt steht am Abgrund. Ressourcenknappheit, Krankheiten durch verschmutzte Luft und Trinkwasser, ausufernde Kriminalität, Krieg. Regierungen und Konzerne versprechen Heilung durch Fortschritt; Drohnen und humanoide Roboter ersetzen Menschen im öffentlichen Dienst, alles ist mit...
AdventureRichard met Simon.
Adam brought John to the hospital.
You finished the first chapter.
Adam woke up from his dream.
Richard survived the Doomsday raid.
Richard and Adam made contact.
Adam was introduced to Sally.
Lydia found a new home.
Adam made his decision to stay.
You finished the 4th chapter.
Richard listened to Kurtz' speech.
Richard and Lydia went underground.
Richard convinced John to come home.
John reached the big hall inside the Dome.
Congratulations. You finished the game.