Begleite Captain Leeway und seine bunt zusammengewürfelte Truppe, während sie eine rätselhafte Bedrohung für das Große Meers enthüllen. Rüste deine Crew für rundenbasierte Schießereien mit Abprall-Action in Echtzeit-Seeschlachten.
Shoot off three hats with one shot.
Equip an ability from a second job.
Purchase an item.
Spend 10,000 gallons.
Collect all hats.
Recruit all crewmates.
Get a Crewmate to maximum level in all jobs.
Bounce back a projectile and destroy an enemy ship.
Deal 25 or more damage with a single hit.
Apply Hobble, Break, Chilled and Burning on the same enemy.
Complete the game before 35 days have passed.
Complete the game with at most 4 crewmates dying.
Complete the game without dying on the World Map.
Heal crewmates for a total of 100 HP.
Get a new hat.
Scrap 10 enemies with one crewmate within one turn.
Go from 1 HP to full HP in a single turn.
Get all ship upgrades.
Complete four missions in a single day.
Complete all missions in the game.
Locate all artifacts.
Defeat all flagships.
Get all 7 Coglike gears.