Kämpfe, schleiche und hacke dir deinen Weg durch zufällig generierte Städte. Es ist wie eine Kombination aus Nuclear Throne und Deus Ex, gemischt mit der Anarchie von GTA. Rogue-Lite trifft auf immersive Simulation und es wird total verrückt.
Complete any floor
Complete Slums
Complete Industrial
Unlock elevator access
Complete tutorial
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Complete Park
Unlock elevator access
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character
Complete Downtown
Unlock elevator access
Unlock elevator access
Complete Uptown
Complete Mayor Village
Win Election
Neutralize Mayor
Win without winning election or neutralizing Mayor
Find the Bad Ending
Complete any Big Quest
Unlock playable character
Kill the Killer Robot
Find the Alien
Make a Refrigerator "Run"
Kill a Vampire while playing a Werewolf
Fall off the edge of the map
Create a custom character
Poison a water body with Resurrection Shampoo
Have four status effects at once
Enslave a Slavemaster
Win an Arena fight
Kill everyone in a level
Nicely ask an NPC to leave a level
Kill someone by throwing a Gravestone at them
Give someone a Cyanide Cocktail
Electrocute someone in water
Unlock playable character
Unlock playable character